The upper thigh area is often prone to flabbiness and flaccidity as we get older. While women often find excess fat and loose skin in this region as they get older, men can also encounter these problems with age. After significant weight loss, excessive skin around the thighs can be an undesired side effect as well. Unfortunately it usually proves very hard to change the appearances of this with exercise. Crural lifting, or a thigh lift, can correct this to make sure the skin is tightened alongside the thighs. In the following menu you can find more information on thigh lifting. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.
A thigh lift is a relatively big surgery which involves the removal of excess skin and possibly also fat in the inner thigh area. To further enhance results, the procedure can also be combined with liposuction. You can read more information about liposuction on this page. The removal of excess skin requires to make an incision, where Dr. Fantozzi will make sure to minimize this in order to have as little (visible) scarring as possible. The procedure involves light anesthesia and takes about an hour. Regardless of the extent of the thigh lifting procedure, you can rest assured that Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions when it comes to the quality and safety of the surgery.