Hair Replacement

Hair transplantation

Hair loss is a very common symptom for ageing men, yet many perceive this as undesirable. While a full head of hair is usually linked to a youthful appearance, hair loss can significantly reduce one’s self-esteem. Hair replacement surgery can restore a full and natural look in one surgical session, which makes it an ideal procedure for many men who are looking to achieve this. It is possible for hair follicles to be placed at a predetermined density and pattern, aligning the incisions in a consistent fashion to promote a realistic hair appearance. In the following menu you can find more information on hair replacement. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.


Genetic balding usually occurs on the front, side and on top of the head. Hair replacement is a surgical technique that involves removing a strip of skin containing hair follicles from the posterior scalp which is called the ‘donor site’, this is an area of good hair growth which is genetically resistant to balding. Each follicle is then reinserted into the thinning area with utmost precision. On the front side of the hairline this usually done one by one, while in the area on top of the head pieces of skin which contain 2-4 follicles can be reinserted in order to get a more full effect. This makes hair transplantation a very labor-intensive surgery. You can however rest assured that Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions with regards to the quality and safety of this procedure. Clinic Fantozzi uses very small and fine needles to puncture the sites for receiving the grafts, which allows us to work in a very precise manner. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, while the time depends on the extent of the treated area.



During a non-committal consultation, Dr. Fantozzi will inform you on the expected downtime and possible temporary limitations after the hair transplantation. To secure the quality and results of the treatment, we will schedule an appointment for a check-up following the procedure. In order to further enhance the results, Clinic Fantozzi will also design a personal after-treatment course for each unique individual if desired.

Total Packages for our International Clients

Total Packages for our International Clients

Clinic Fantozzi has a couple of focus points, amongst which is offering optimal service. This also goes for the total packages we offer to our international clients. With these packages we will arrange your stay in Rome from flight to hotel and of course the surgery itself. We deem it of utmost importance that we can meet your every need and that you can undergo your surgery as carefree as possible. On this page you can find more information about all the services which are included in our total packages. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to reserve a total package, please contact us.



During a first non-committal consultation, Dr. Fantozzi will discuss all the different aspects of the procedure. He will discuss your aesthetic wishes and subsequently advise you which method of treatment will let you meet those wishes in the best way possible. Furthermore you will be informed on the results you may expect, possible downtime and temporary limitations after the surgery. You can rest assured that you will always receive honest and professional advice during this consultation.

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